How much do you need to have saved to be able to retire in 20 years?
The answer seems to that in 20 years, around $1.2 million in Canada, according to Garth Turner. A few tidbits from his post… If you have 20 years to go before retiring (age 4
The Cosby Show: All about College, Budgeting and Life
Bill Cosby, always the voice of steady reason and reality, something it seems, is sorely lacking in our society these days. I miss watching this show! Hat tip to Rockstar Finance f
Investing Series: Why I don’t hold huge market-cap stocks individually in my trading account
Liquid Independence recently blogged about how Google (GOOG) went up 13% and is now trading above the $1000 per share mark, and while I am thrilled it went up because he owns a few
How I almost ended up being sexually assaulted
So this post has been a long time coming. I’ve debated over the years writing about it, and I can finally (sort of) talk about it without feeling deep guilt, shame and a lot
How to shop for and purchase the perfect pair of jeans to wear
Jeans are the hardest but also the easiest things to buy because of the breadth of styles available. The trick is finding the right pair of jeans in your price range, because every
You can get more money if you’re unemployed in France than if you work minimum wage
Heard on the French radio the other day (Les Grosses Têtes) that a guy did some research between a family that was unemployed (neither parent working) and a family with two parent
Man’s relationship with the natural world
Thought-provoking, and kind of sickening, even in cartoon form. We really are a sick, abusive species.
What each country leads in (or is good at) [MAP]
It’s interesting to find out what each country “leads” in, particularly when I saw Spain leads in Cocaine (.. that rhymes!) Click to embiggen USA: Nobel Laureate
GIVEAWAY: The $100 USD Cold Hard Cash Blog Giveaway (+ $50 and $75 USD bonuses)
WHO DOESN’T LOVE GETTING MONEY FOR FREE? To celebrate my awesome news and to spread some general cheer (let’s face it, we could all use it), I am giving away $100 US
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
(via) One. Understanding luxury goods — “The owner of a $12,000 Birkin bag might tell you that it’s worth every penny. […] A Birkin bag is at its most valu