Pregnancy / Baby Question: What should I pack to go to the hospital?
(I do not know what happened but when I first published this post, the comments section disappeared completely from the page, so I had to re-publish it to restore the comments. Sor
Carnival of Personal Finance #434: The Happy Festivus Edition – The Holiday (Links) For the Rest of Us
Welcome to the Festivus Edition! In case you do not know what Festivus is all about, it is from one of the funniest and best sitcoms in history — Seinfeld. Come to think of i
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
ONE. Some of the responses to what Chinese students think of typical American foods are hilarious. It’s interesting that we find our cultural food normal (mmm CLAM CHOWDER!!!
How I reached a No-Gift Minimalist Christmas or Holiday Season
Tim’s post about having a reduced Christmas (and the relief that goes with it!), got me thinking about how I handle the holiday season. It’s pretty simple. I don’
Investing Series: What is an “MER” (Management Expense Ratio)?
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- Management Expense Ratios are a fancy way of saying that investors need to pay for the gu
What it costs to buy a home versus renting one
Obviously as I don’t own a home, these are just estimations based on mortgage calculators I found online, and notes from other sites put into one big table. SCENARIO: MONTREA
Wealth Inequality and Distribution in the USA
Many thanks to reader Matthew from my post “Let’s give generous rich folks a break, OK” for directing me to this video! QUICK FACTS FROM THE VIDEO 1% of America h
What my father learned growing up about money
As requested by Jane Savers in response to my own post about what I learned growing up without ever talking about money, I’ll talk briefly about what my dad learned about gro
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
One. Blair and Wendy’s outfits on Casual Fridays is basically my go-to uniform minus the sky-high heels and fussy purses that have to be held and can’t be thrown over
Philippines Pantene Commercial Totally Nails it for the Male / Female Double-Standard
Via Jezebel Yep. Story of any woman’s life, especially those of us who work in male-dominated industries or even if we are just starting out in our careers as young women.