In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
 Hey big spender! These folks really knew how to drop a dime for better or for worse. Mostly for worse. What I liked this week: 5 of the wildest shopping sprees in history –
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working in China
This is part of my Travel Series. — RUSH HOUR IS NUTS, WORSE THAN WHAT I’VE EXPERIENCED Insanity! Can I just show you my video of how crazy rush hour is in the morning?
Living my life on credit — The Freelancer’s Way
As a freelancer, I was thinking the other day that we actually live our whole lives on a form of credit, that is a credit to ourselves. Every time I stop working, I am aware that t
I’m a high-low maintenance woman
Now that I’m back and working again, I’m getting back into the groove of the work culture which includes talking about your spouses or your families. I work with 99.99%
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
This is me and Baby Bun… all the time. All I do is kiss his cute little chubby cheeks and nibble on his belly. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning. Thanks to AP! Speaking of awesom
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working into their old age
This is part of my Travel Series. — So here’s a quick chart I created: (Source: China Daily; but I adjusted the final annual amounts because the monthly numbers didn&
Fairly cheap, eco-friendly dryer ball and sheet replacements
I don’t use dryer sheets or balls (they’re plastic), because I was once told that the nice smooth silky feeling your clothes get, is actually animal fat coating the fib
Men: How a suit, shirt, pair of pants and shoes make your entire outfit
For the guys who read this blog, I decided that since I don’t know anything about fashion for guys beyond what I think looks stupid (like baggy jeans belted around your crotc
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
ONE. Sofia Vergara. Hot and making a killing on TV. At least a woman is killing it somewhere because in the business and tech world, it’s all just downright degrading. TWO. Y
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Super Clean Beijing and Shanghai
This is part of my Travel Series. — I hear this is something that is not normal in other Chinese cities, but Beijing and Shanghai were SPOTLESS. Not a single speck of a spec