How much money do I need to buy a house in cash?
Sounds like a rhetorical question, but it isn’t for me. I am thinking of how much money I would need above and beyond the actual purchase price (plus all the fees and so on)
Reasons why business owners tend to be wealthier
It’s not really because they’re any smarter. It’s more because if they handle their finances correctly (a crucial subject), they can avoid a lot of headaches and
I really don’t care what my kids will do as a profession when they’re older
…as long as it isn’t illegal or otherwise salacious, I’m okay with pretty much any profession. (No leaders of mafias, strippers, or drug dealers please.) Why? Bec
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
 Hey big spender! These folks really knew how to drop a dime for better or for worse. Mostly for worse. What I liked this week: 5 of the wildest shopping sprees in history –
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working in China
This is part of my Travel Series. — RUSH HOUR IS NUTS, WORSE THAN WHAT I’VE EXPERIENCED Insanity! Can I just show you my video of how crazy rush hour is in the morning?
Living my life on credit — The Freelancer’s Way
As a freelancer, I was thinking the other day that we actually live our whole lives on a form of credit, that is a credit to ourselves. Every time I stop working, I am aware that t
I’m a high-low maintenance woman
Now that I’m back and working again, I’m getting back into the groove of the work culture which includes talking about your spouses or your families. I work with 99.99%
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
This is me and Baby Bun… all the time. All I do is kiss his cute little chubby cheeks and nibble on his belly. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning. Thanks to AP! Speaking of awesom
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working into their old age
This is part of my Travel Series. — So here’s a quick chart I created: (Source: China Daily; but I adjusted the final annual amounts because the monthly numbers didn&
Fairly cheap, eco-friendly dryer ball and sheet replacements
I don’t use dryer sheets or balls (they’re plastic), because I was once told that the nice smooth silky feeling your clothes get, is actually animal fat coating the fib