Fashion things you’ll never catch me wearing
Things you’ll never find in my closet I admittedly love fashion but there are things I will never, EVER wear, no matter how much the fashion industry tries to convince me it
Etsy scam alert: BlueTwinSpur Alex Turcu and Iris T. Chang
UPDATE: The seller has closed their shop rather unexpectedly. Perhaps it was a mass-wide scam to screw all the customers who paid and/or asked for refunds and to not refund them. G
What would you do if money was no object?
Today is my 2 year blogoversary (YAY!), so I thought I’d bring you an inspiring video… “If you say that money is the most important thing, you’ll spend your life c
How much do you really make per hour?
I was talking to a friend the other night who lamented that he only made $60,000 but he knows other guys who are pulling in $130,000 a year. I asked him: How many hours do you work
Live in Canada? Get $50 for free and earn 2.5% just by opening a free bank account with Tangerine
Use my referral key: 32726976S1 You will get $50 for opening the account if you fund it with at least $100 CAD (and I get $50 too). You can open a Savings Account, TFSA Acco
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: The most beautiful underwater sea creatures have yet to be discovered, here are just a few. These animal-based comics made me really giggle. A brief
Travel Packing Lists: Forgotten Travel Adapters
I have forgotten plenty of things when I have traveled, and have come up with impromptu solutions that worked in a pinch, but if I were given the choice, I would have wished myself
Update: Should only the rich be allowed to have children?
Starting to get some comments that are making me think that I am not being clear, so I wanted to post a quick update on my previous post: Should only the rich be allowed to have ch
Should only the rich be allowed to have children?
An interesting question for discussion came up the other day about children and who should have them. My title is a bit controversial but what it came down to, was the idea that if
What do you wear around the house?
Loved this post from Belle about what she wears around the house on the weekends, and how honest she is. Thought I’d tell you what I wear and it’s pretty much the same