Why are we always trying to overload our children?
I was reading the Metro news the other day (a free newspaper given in the Metro in Canada), and was taken aback by a mother listing all the activities of her two sons. I can’
Review: The Diva Cup Pre-Birth & Post-Birth Size 1 and Size 2
EVERYONE: This is a post for women. If you are interested or know a woman who is interested in going green for her menstrual needs, read on! Otherwise, catch you tomorrow. —&
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: These parenting comics are SO. TRUE. This one above describes Baby Bun in a nutshell at 4 a.m. Here’s my Instagram shot to prove it. The power
Shopaholic Series: Kim of Needing the Dough
I started with it here and opened it up to others! Want to participate and give me your delicious, innermost shopping thoughts in my Shopaholic Series? Contact me. I’m Kim &#
If you don’t want to get married, you probably shouldn’t buy a house instead
Saw on HGTV the other day (Home and Garden TV) a couple that said something along the lines of: “We are not ready to get married, so we’re going to buy a house instead.
How to combat de-cluttering and organizing fatigue
Much like debt repayment fatigue, people who have started to embark on the ambitious project of organizing and decluttering their lives tend to hit a point where they are exhausted
Learn a new language (French) with a minimal amount of work
As I may have mentioned offhand to very few people, BF and I have started speaking in only in French the majority of the time. We started sometime in late October 2012. It’s
The Scariest Day of my Life: Baby Bun had a seizure
I struggled with writing this post. Should I really be revealing this or talking about it considering it is pretty personal… but I thought: Hey I can’t be the only moth
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week: LOL! Although the PF blogger in me says it’s possible with a budget & realistic expectations of staying in very cheap places & eating
I would be lost without…
I was thinking the other day all the things that I rely on immensely to get me through my life, even my day. I’d truly be lost (or really, just unhappier) without the followi