Money really does buy happiness.. it does in countries, anyway
Where does money buy equality? In certain countries, it certainly makes a big difference.
Please describe your mind.
Quick, sharp, sometimes witty with enough sleep and a little sarcastic (realistic, really), and always constantly multi-tasking all over the place with pretty much no time to wind
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I enjoyed reading, looking at, listening-to and watching this week.
Why do such expensive pieces have polyester all over the dang place?
Why do such expensive pieces have polyester everywhere?
Do women just want men to take care of them?
Why I am so incredibly annoyed (sometimes) by this SUPER NICE woman who is my toddler lifeline most days. I feel a bit like an evil, mean, frenemy.
The Ideal French Minimalist Wardrobe for Women – Part Two (Style and Fashion)
What Parisian women would consider their essentials in a minimalist wardrobe. Part Two of Four.
Please describe your body.
I have a good, functional body. I'm luckily skinny with a very fast metabolism (I KNOW, you hate me), but in general, I don't have body image issues, thanks to my mother's influenc
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Vintage mirrors and the best money articles of 2016.
What I enjoyed reading, looking at, listening-to and watching this week.
Ask Sherry: How I got my high-paying job as a consultant
Answers to "Ask Sherry Anything!" on if what I learned in college had any relevance on my career, my background & how it has determined my parenting style and finances.