Week of Money: Where life goes on as usual
DAY ONE ??:?? — Screaming. More nightmares. ??:?? — Another nightmare. 6:00 a.m. — Little Bun jumps on top of me and says: Mommy, it’s 6! 6:13 a.m. — I get up, and ch
Women should always have their own money & a Plan B. Period.
Honestly, I don’t really care what anyone says. Any woman (I speak of women mostly because that’s the group that is most affected), who doesn’t have some of her o
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Should you merge your money with your spouse?
1. MERGER I am 50/50 with my partner, with totally separate accounts. We don’t even have a joint account together, so I found this article interesting, discussing about if co
Week of Money: Where Little Bun has a hard week with a lot of meltdowns.
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up to hearing Little Bun awake and I whisper: “Baby?”… He sits up, smiles in the dark and runs over his father’s body to snuggle on
Are we even really making a difference?
I must not be the only one who is kind of … well, stressed about the environment. Climate change is affecting everyone and everything, though most disproportionately, the poo
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Are the Gen Z TikTok moms having a better time of it all?
1. MOMMING These Gen Z moms are working hard at keeping it light. I read the entire article, and I GET IT. People want to see how other people live their lives, all the good, the b
Week of Money: Where I dream about making over my home
DAY ONE 6:06 a.m. — I log in and start working. I am starting earlier so I can do direct calls with teams instead of emailing back and forth. 12:22 p.m. — Lunch time. The day p
Sensitive to perfumes, fragrances and smells? How to remove them from hair, skin, etc.
Context: I used to wear perfumes years ago. My partner hates the smell of them, so over a decade ago, I stopped wearing them or using anything with a strong smell. Over the years,
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: The story about the worst tenant ever
1. HELLISH This entire story about Arif Adnan Syed f*king up the rentals and becoming a homeowner/landlord’s worst nightmare is kind of why I do not want to become a landlord
Week of Money: Where we try to enjoy the summer as much as I can
DAY ONE 7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working. 8:08 a.m. — In between calls, I am on Instagram, letting my brain rest with inane scrolling, and I see this. How clever! To look