In the world. of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where a delusional woman thinks Carrie Bradshaw was reality
...and nude pumps apparently look like plastic hooves to some women. WHO KNEW?
Ask Sherry: What did I think of the movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians’?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. What did you think of the movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians̵
Afternoon of Shopping with Sherry – Volume III
My third mini instalment of shopping with me.. So today is more of a thrifting expedition. Those of you who follow me on Instagram already may have seen this, but in this post, I
Mental health & the stigma around it: It is okay if you need help
I was reading the The Nice Book with Little Bun the other day and this page really spoke to me: It is a book about actions people take that are nice: Cuddle, Nestle, Don’t tickle
How to get a Parisian Fashion Wardrobe: Parisienne Uniforms – Part VIII
All of my Parisian Style & Wardrobe Posts can be found here. What I have noticed is that there are variations on a theme of a Parisian uniform. I have sort of tried to group th
Money Talk: Did your family have a budget? How did you feel about it?
A BUDGET? Don't make me laugh.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where this guy racked up $1 million in student loans
...and there is a trickster who defrauded NYC...
Ask Sherry: Tips on getting a professional headshot or photo taken
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. I’m looking to get my first professional headshot. Are
Week of Money: Where people ramp up on holiday lunch invites (my favourite kind)
DAY ONE ??:?? — Tired. Little Bun was snuffling and wiggling a lot last night. ??:?? — Why am I awake? I try to go back to sleep but my partner is up and his showering and sh