What does living like a millionaire mean?
What does it really mean to you? Is it a dollar amount, behaviour or...?
10 Super Practical Fashionista Must-Haves
I only just realized that I have never done a post on all the practical items I own that have really helped my wardrobe go farther. There are things that are super handy and can be
Money Talk: What money habits did your parents practice? How did you feel about those habits?
All bad, really. I learned all sorts of bad habits.
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: How this money manager handles celebrity finances
..and this banker who stole $100 million and is now living it up.
Ask Sherry: How do I stay so slim?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. How do I stay so slim? Diet, Regimen, etc, please! I hate to
Week of Money: Where Little Bun turns into a night monster
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up. Reluctantly. It is just before six a.m. and I could have used another half hour. 6:00 a.m. — I start a load of laundry — Little Bun bled all
Negative Energy: How do you work around this?
We encounter a lot of negative energy in our lives. Most of all, I find the harshest critic we have is ourselves. Inside, we feel like we don’t measure up to our own expectat
What is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city?
Asked & delivered! Here is the median net worth of Canadians by age, province and major city… Here is the MEDIAN of a Canadian’s net worth, not an average. The aver
I’m afraid to say this. I feel like I am going to be a failure again.
So.. New year… has come upon us. I know it sounds weird to consider myself a ‘failure’ (you’re all eye rolling now, I know), but in some ways, I feel like I
Style Trio: Inspirations of #OOTD style I love – Part Five
Part of my Style Trio Inspirations Series where I have been posting on Instagram @saverspender all my inspirations for #OOTD style. I am obsessed with mixing casual and formal. S