Save. Spend. Splurge.

Luxury is the Opposite of what everyone else is doing

Luxury is basically what the masses aren’t doing.

Think about it!

In the past, people had their clothes tailored, then it became luxurious and fashionable to not make your own clothes, but to buy them off the rack in pre-made sizes.

We’ve basically swung back the other day, where it is now not as luxurious to buy clothes off the rack, but to have them tailored for you in any fabric you want, in any style you desire.

Whatever it is that is luxurious is what people can’t afford to either do, or buy, no matter what it is.

In the Middle Ages in France, poor people ate butter, and rich people preferred oil and lard.

Today? Switcheroo!

Lobsters were once considered the rats of the sea, but now they’ve been elevated to a status of “luxury seafood”.

Everyone has a car now because it’s so affordable? Upgrade to a super-charged uber expensive car that the masses can’t afford.


Even in that circle, if everyone can afford that super-charged uber expensive car, go for something rare and old that only a few exist in such condition any more!



Now, the luxury of the rich is that they have Time because they have lots of money to not have to worry about meeting their bills.

Can’t buy Time outright, but you can definitely work more, use up more of your Time and make more Money to buy Time.

We can have the same luxury of Time if we just concentrate on looking at our expenses. The less you spend, the less you need in terms of money, and the more Time you’ll gain.

Don’t take on a mortgage for a house unless you know what you’re getting into and really want one, otherwise it hampers your ability to have more time (you have to work more to make sure you keep up on those payments!)

Don’t buy a car you will end up paying 50% of your net pay each month just to drive.

Don’t go into debt for a degree that will be pretty much useless for you in the real world.

Make choices about your expenses and live with them, sans bitching and whining about how things are soooo expensive.

I am more of a fan of this school of thought than someone working like crazy, 24/7 to achieve what they feel is their level of “early retirement”, so that they can finally get started on their life.

I prefer a more moderate approach: Save Money, take Time off, and balance Life.

What’s the whole point of working like a dog until you’re 35, 45, 55, or 65, only to put off all the things you wanted to do then?

You’ll be old, tired, and/or burnt out, and probably annoyed that you spent that time working like crazy only to realize that you missed out on most of your actual life.

Money (ironically) is not the goal. Living life, is. So why not do it now?


  • Relax Much

    Hey Saver Spender,

    I thoroughly enjoyed this post and it made rethink my clothes shopping lately!

  • Money Saving

    Great points! I only just figured this out about 2 years ago and set out on my path to financial independence. I was set to retire mentally at 58. Now, I’ve reset my clock and should be financial independent by 38 and have all the time in the world to work on what I’m really passionate about!

  • Lila

    You know I’ve read so many blogs (including yours) and read a bunch of books on personal finance. I’ve basically learned there are many ways to save especially for those of us that live in the first world and are of sound health.

    In the first world we have so many basics that would be considered luxuries in the ancient world like AC/heating, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, microwaves, internet access, discount stores, thrift stores, etc.

    Not only that but living in the first world allows benefits like “free” (paid by taxes) access to city libraries.

    It’s easier to live within our means in a first world country where there is a lot of access to resources. 😀

  • Kalie

    Great points. Almost everything about my lifestyle is luxurious if I look at it from a global or historical perspective. You’re right that so much of what we deem luxury is about perception. Which is why you can live a great life on little– pick the things that are worthwhile to you instead of letting others dictate it for you. (Though it’s hard to discern that since we’re stuck in a certain cultural context.)

  • Our Next Life

    Agree with you on time! Except we’re at a point where we can retire completely in just over two years… Seems worth it to wait that out! Alternative would be to have to work much more in fits and starts if we were to quit now and try to sustain a semi retired lifestyle.

  • Kurt

    I’m with you on ‘creating’ more time. I’ve always been focused on spending less and saving more in part to create more time for myself–time spent outside of paid employment. I’ve always wanted that time to pursue what interests me, which may or may not have a financial reward.

  • Dee @ Color Me Frugal

    Love this. The points you make at the end are so true. You can’t take it with you when you die, so the best solution is to just live and be happy!

  • NZ Muse

    RABBIT. Now only found in fancy restaurants.

  • Cindy

    Interesting points you make. Here is another interesting take on the notion that luxury is a drug:

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