In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where I had no idea so many beauty bloggers were Mormons
If you do not squee at this, you have a heart of coal… HOW CUTE IS THIS HEDGEHOG!?!? Follow Azuki on Instagram here. It is just too adorable. The other camping photos are here of him collecting wood, having a picnic, going on the river, and barbequing.
I feel like I need this Obama bobblehead to put on my desk to keep me calm, just by asking: “What would Obama do?”
I love that in my career (reason #15837559 why I love my job), I don’t have to work overtime because if I do, I’d be expected to be paid for it. So don’t work overtime to impress your boss, just work and deliver major results. “40 hours, then go home“, my boss says. Some people think it means 40 hours of PURE working but that’s just ridiculously impossible. You can’t factor in some employee chit chit time? Or taking a break for tea? No one is productive being run on a hamster wheel like that.
I have three words for you: Little Black Treggings. The perfect compromise between leggings (comfort) and trousers (actual pants you can wear out). GO FORTH AND PURCHASE! I’m currently hunting down a pair I can try because I would need high-rise and for it to look more like a trouser than a legging…
How to take care of everything you own in a neat little chart. It is by no means comprehensive, and if you want a real bible on this, I suggest you buy and cherish How to get dressed – it is my GO TO primer on how to take care of everything and anything.
I have been watching and loving Curb your Enthusiasm lately. He is so self-aware and awkward it is… refreshing in a way.
WHOA. Why so many beauty bloggers are Mormons… I don’t smoke, drink or drink coffee but I do indulge in tea.. I wonder what that’ll say about my youthful beauty in the future. As it stands, I still get mistaken for being in college if I am without Little Bun and wearing very little makeup and casual-ish clothes (like jeans & a tee). I also find it a bit sad that being drop dead beautiful, blonde, fit with double D breasts (real or fake) is part of their ideology of how they’ll get to heaven.
I sort of want this world map triptych for the home.. except my thing is to always want to make everything myself. Maybe what I need to do is find a photo of every city my partner and I have visited together and make a framed wall displaying our travels.
Asian Americans in the Legal Profession was an interesting look into an industry I know NOTHING about. It’s sick that one whole race can be categorized as either “submissive little worker bee” or if you veer off from that in any way, and do your job as a lawyer, you’re a “mean little bitch”. WTF?
Thank you for the mention, and alas, I think it’s hard to imagine from the outside how conservative the legal industry is, and how that trickles down into some remarkably poor treatment for minorities and women. I didn’t fully realize until I was fully in the industry, though I saw enough at law school to predict that it’d be a problem.
I live the trouser leggings pants too. My favs are by JCrew (any of their ponte pants).
I’m also more productive if I don’t allow myself to work overtime. I leave at 5:30pm and I just have to be done with what I have to do that day! It’s not like I’ll be getting paid for it…
Chitchat with colleagues is also work 😉 you never know what useful job/work/career/company info you find out during casual chats now and then.