In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: This is why you’ll always be poor
…if you don’t take charge of your money that is. This is the psychology behind why we hate budgets and saving. Frankly, I already knew this.
I experience it on a daily basis which is why I repeat ad nauseam that you have to create a budget and track your spending. It is the #1 thing that got me out of $60,000 of debt in 18 months. I cut the fat. I even did it recently with my Semi-Emergency budget because it looked like scoring a job was dragging on a little too long. You can read about my weekly with spending & budgeting here: Week of Money.
THE. BEST. OIL-REMOVAL. PRIMER. This stuff is not a makeup primer in the sense that it is full of silicones that you wear underneath your foundation, but you pat just a tiny, little eensy teensy bit of this magical cream (quickly, it dries VERY fast), over your oily spots and it keeps them shine free for a solid 12+ hours. I love it. Am on my second bottle now. Holy Grail.
Kat’s apartment is not my style (too much decorative stuff & furniture all over the place), but I love the clean, open airy aesthetic and she has a to-die-for wardrobe which I DO covet.
These are the tried & true staples of 7 items that should be in every college graduates closet. I can tell you briefly that I own all of these items.
The only things I have kept since my college graduation days is my 3-piece suit (jacket, skirt, pants),and a wrap dress in a neutral black & cream print. Other great neutrals (as I hate all-black ensembles) are anything with navy or olive green for me.
For everything else on the list, I have since upgraded my heels to be higher (3.25″) and more comfortable (read: designer Manolo Blahniks albeit purchased secondhand every single time), and bought a few modest, classic silk shells to wear, I particularly like the brand Grana (10% off referral link)… (my Grana review done here) because their silk is really soft and wonderful for its pricetag and I’d recommend their long or short-sleeved silk shells or shirts.
Instead of ironing, because I am lazy, my lighter blouses go through this portable Jiffy e-steamer which I bought and love (mini review here).
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