In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Rich and barely making it
Rich and barely making it in Silicon Valley….
From what I hear, I believe it.
It is insane in there. I almost feel like Toronto or Vancouver is reaching that pointĀ on a Canadian scale.
I was browsing some real estate listings out of curiousity in Toronto and was floored by how much a crappy house goes for. :-\
I am about to buy this silk dress on sale. SOMEONE STOP ME. It is just gorgeous, striped, with a stunning waistline… Oh and maybe this perfect, striped skirt. Not silk, cotton and 40% off.
Got this from a Smug Mother from playĀ group. Still annoyed about the fact that she felt the urge to send this to me. Anyone who has ever remotely considered Nutella as a “health food”Ā is delusional. I know it, you know it, and that’s why it’s so frakkin’ delicious. I don’t keep it in the house because of that fact (I could eat buckets of it if it were available), and it reminds me of my childhood. And that’s what I told Smug Mother, who by the way, happens to bake all the freakin’ time (her cake and cookies are half sugar and half butter, and frankly not as good as the real thing), unlike me a non-baker, and puts maple syrup on her kid’s pancakes every day which by the way, IS STILL SUGAR but in a different form. Sugar is sugar, whether it is coconut, cane, maple, agave, beet, brown or white sugar… I could go on. It is the same thing nutritionally speaking. So STFU SMUG MOTHER. /end rant. I promise.
Obsessed with these hard candies. Love love love.
Life is all about spending more on the right thingsĀ and while I have been succumbing to impulse buys for a long time, I’ve started reining myself back in my Week of Money posts.
Check out these zebra shoes and tell me just how ridiculous they look for $1290.
Speaking of spending, we need around 40% as a sale to even enter a retail storeĀ and to make room, this is how you purge old clothing.
I am a sucker for white shirt dresses, and this one is so tempting.
John Legend (he of silky voice and talent), sings classic Gordon Ramsay insults (swear words in full blast and all, so this is NSFW).. It is hilarious and so melodic… with classics such as: “You put so much oil in this.. the U.S. wanted to invade the #$(&# plate..” or .. “You put so much ginger in this, it’s a Weasley..”
It is surprisingly mod and 60s, but I like this shift dress anyway.
A tale of two Sydneys. I can sort of see myself making this mistake if I was really sleep-deprived.
The graphic print of this petal print wrap dress is stunning and so affordable.
As a mother, this is my nightmare with Baby BunĀ and I have already started telling him thatĀ adults ask for help from other adults, not children.
This cosy turtleneckĀ or this grey heathered oneĀ + leather leggings. I’m really warming up to the look.
If you’re a freelance writer or looking to be one as a side hustle, Who Pays Writers?Ā isĀ one of the best resources for knowing who pays on time, at what rate per word and the general work environment.
This is my second favourite pair of jeans.
How beautiful is this racing stripe blazer? My goodness. Unique, yet classic at the same time. This camel one is the one Cassie got me hooked on.
I am mortgage free and loving it, but if I had one, I’d be heeding this advice to pay down your mortgage by at least an extra $3000 a year. They’re not wrong in saying that a stronger economy = rising mortgage rates and considering how we have practically wallowed in such low rates for such a long time, it is due for a rate increase. I’d be really scared if I had a mortgage right now.
A graphic but very unusual and interesting floral necklace that isn’t too clichĆ©d.
Thanks for the link love!
Love that Cassie is detailing out how she is embarking on choosing her style/wardrobe colour palette. I sent her a few links on Twitter which seem to have helped.
The DQYDJ Weekender liked my post on my magic retirement number.
I didn’t like the article at the first link. SV has a big housing problem, but tech workers aren’t the ones suffering the most. Also, if a couple is making $1M, they can indeed afford a house unless most of that is stock options or inaccessible “money”.
I couldn’t access the mortgage rate article without registering for an account. š In the US, rising mortgage rates don’t affect most people who have already bought. That is a big difference in norms between US and… the rest of the world. Although some people do get adjustable mortgages, isn’t common. Would you really feel scared if you had a mortgage but also had a big pile of investments that outweighed the mortgage balance? I think the biggest takeaway is to not buy too much house such that you are at risk.
Something about that striped dress isn’t right – may be the tone?
Piped navy shift dress is nice, but probably indecently short on a tall gal like me (who could stand to be trimmer!)
Zebra shoes are nuts, for sure.. I just can’t do turtlenecks, makes me feel choked.
Love the zebra shoes! Not the price, though…