Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Married Women Believe Their Husbands Know More About Finances

1. #FacePalm

I read articles like this about how Married Women Step Aside Because They Think Their Husbands Know More, and it does two things: Makes me want to double down on spreading the word about financial literacy, and makes me despair. You know, like that guy in the Edvard Munch painting?

ONCE AND FOR ALL, if you have not gotten the message from my constant, desperate pleas on Instagram and on this blog: No gender has a lock on knowing more about finances. Period. You either take the time to educate yourself on financial literacy, or you don’t. It has nothing to do with “natural intelligence”, “natural ability” or “natural inclination”. The ONLY difference that sets anyone apart in any of this is this question:

How much you do you like your money?

I think that’s basically it – men enjoy money or the prestige, etc that it brings, more than women, so they focus on it as a way to prove how much “better” or “successful” they are, and as a result, are “into money”, but …. are also more likely to be investing in stonks (meme stocks), and pie in the sky schemes rather than in lower-risk, decent return assets like index funds.

2.  Candy

Goodness I want this pink clicky keyboard with retro round buttons, …. and then I found this other one. IT IS SO CUTE. I love the round buttons, I love the candy colours, it is cute, fun.. I could see myself loving it.

Also, I found this review for it very funny..LOL

3. Statistical

If you’re in New Zealand, there is a Wealth Calculator you can use. It’s experimental and interesting, but the assets do not go above $2M and the household income is also limited. That said, it’s interesting to plug in your numbers and see.

The only thing I wish that these calculators had, was a split by individual (like in a household, you have two individuals, the net worth is split between the two equally), gender, age and all of these going together so you could see YOUR accurate depiction. But then again, these people doing these calculators are likely not money nerds.

4. Airpods

My friend bought these faux airpods and swears by them. I wouldn’t actually use them for calls (I have real headsets now), but they could be good for just listening to videos and so on, and much cheaper than the Apple Airpod ones.

I cannot wear silicone or anything that blocks out noise in my ear canal, I need airflow or else my vertigo triggers because it throws my brain off balance and makes me nauseous. Even talking about it makes me feel green.

5. Geriatric Millennials

Honestly, this article about the typical 40-year old millennial being worse off, is quite accurate. I am a geriatric I think, though I am not yet 40. I would say in my cohort, we are all in the middle / better off as a whole. But I know individuals my age who are struggling as well, and struggling hard as single parents working minimum wage. It’s such a wide gap, perhaps the widest in years, between people of the same age.

There are some who are truly thriving beyond words, and others who are barely making it, if that. A lot of what has to do with that, is that some became financially literate early on, and/or had serious generational wealth to help (paying for education, down payment on homes), and that makes a huge impact early on, particularly for millennials. The wealth gap is huge between us.

6. Greek Goddess

I am getting all sorts of Greek goddess vibes from this Acler top. I like the draping around the neck, the white, it would be perfect under a topper or tucked into any bottom. It looks like a turtleneck, without being simple or plain, it is twisted and stylish. No need for any necklaces, maybe some earrings? I also like this red pleated twist version on the same style of top, and I found this long-sleeved balloon sleeved version as well.


Good riddance to homophobic nuisances, this CEO was fired for harassing a teenage boy who wanted to wear a dress to prom. Now imagine this, against women in various other situations policing what we wear or don’t wear, like these two ridiculous articles (AMONGST OTHERS):

Norwegian volleyball team wants to wear shorts instead of bikinis to play, and are told they cannot, and this one of Paraolympian being told her shorts were too short. If I recall my history correctly, there was a time when the Greeks preferred to be nude at the Olympics because it was a celebration of the body, and these social restrictions of what you CAN and CANNOT wear as women, is becoming ridiculous.

Even in soccer, I see players wearing long shorts to play when in the past it was short shorts which are more comfortable to run in, I imagine.

8. Early Autumn Vibes

I know I am starting early, but this turtleneck looks wonderfully cosy. I like the ribbed texture, batwing sleeves, cosy, high-low hem… and comfortable. It also comes in black. I’d pair it with this saddle bag in black or this stunning one in dark brown leather.

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