Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Losing $6.24M for every car it sells

1. Lost treasure

I found this article interesting – Bugatti loses $6.24M for every Veyron Supercar it sells. Obviously super approximate numbers, but it’s mostly blamed on the crazy R&D budget they have, and they’ve only sold a few of these cars.

2. Squared Off

This top is Tencel and deliciously soft, plus a modern kind of windowpane plaid.

3. Culturally (in)appropriate?

I was emailed this article: “My culture is not your toy – a gay Japanese man’s perspective on Queer Eye Japan” and have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I see what he is saying. On the other hand, I see what the group was trying to do in terms of bringing a different perspective to an otherwise pretty closed culture. Thoughts?

4. Marco… Polo!

Hands down, my favourite luxury tea to date.

5. When life gives you a lemon..

..make these amazing Lemon Slices please. They sound and look incredible.

6. Gripped

This is the prettiest, most luxurious stone slice phone grip ever? It’s such a beautiful stone ringed in gold! I may actually need it now that I am using my phone more often at home, without a holder. I want it.

7. Flappers

Okay, not really flappers, but mugshots from the 1920s which makes me think of flappers.

8. Cuckoo for cocoa

I tried Serendipity3’s Hot Chocolate once in NYC and fell in love. Now you can buy it online.

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