In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Celebrities who save most or all of their salary
You hear so much about celebrities wasting all of their money or not taking care of it like Rihanna, or worse, not paying their taxes like Lauryn Hill but these two guys came up on the radar recently of having a budget and saving a good chunk of their millions-of-dollars salaries.
- NFL Carl Nassib saves 85% of his salary and sticks to a $4000 budget.
- Jayson Tatum of the Celtics, saves 100% of his $7.8 million salary.
- Patriots Rookie Joejuan Williams decided to invest 90% of his $6.6M salary because of what he learned in school.
- And let’s not forget Zooey Deschanel who also lives on a budget!
Everyone. I mean EVERYONE, man, woman, child, dog, should read this book – Fair Play .. if you care about equality, learning about society, and what is expected of us in terms of emotional labour (men vs women) so that you can be informed and educated about topics you may have glossed over or dismissed in the past.
Is this shocking? More than a THIRD of Canadians don’t have any retirement savings and 50% live paycheque to paycheque. O_o
Bought more of this beautiful, matte, unscented tinted sunscreen from Coola. I am going to be now wearing it as a base underneath my makeup because I want to BE SURE I am super SPF-covered.
For millennials to retire at 65, they need to save 50% of their paycheque. I already knew this to some extent. 10% is such an old, and low number as a savings percentage but it keeps getting trotted out because no one wants to scare off people or discourage them from saving more money. They think 10% is better than 0%, which is true, but why not say the truth? It has to be 20% or higher, frankly. Maybe not 50%, that’s really a stretch, but 25% should be the new norm! Thoughts?
I have really been into fountain pens lately and this all black one looks really sleek and chic.
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