In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: All about the plight of Japan’s working mothers
Gosh. I would definitely not want to have children either, if I lived in Japan after reading about their working mothers. What HELL.
Speaking about Japan, their medical schools were RIGGING the exams so that women were penalized for their interviews because they were stereotyped as being more amiable and “better” at those things. Umm.. WHAT? AGAIN? WHAT!? … So to be fair, the men should have been penalized for something else.
I love this Goorin Bros. hat because black straw sunhats look very chic and stylish to me.
Wedding cost breakdown from 10 women ranging from $40,000 to $165,000.…. Their stories are fascinating to me. I have not even imagined weddings could cost that much but I can see how it adds up when the finances are revealed.
I saw this Art Deco skirt from J. Crew and have been lusting after it for a long time. I love the wild, bright, geometric print. I WANT IT. I WANT IT!!!!
5 Lessons Every Parent needs to Teach Their Children … I am making notes, I want Little Bun to grow up with strong money management skills. I love the idea of the matching plan. Where they save money, and I match it, then if they withdraw it, I won’t match it until it is back to where it was before.
I already do this with Little Bun to explain to him that I only want things that are on sale, and to look for a good price, and that I don’t need so many things. We also REGULARLY leave stores without buying anything.
I tried on this gorgeous polkadot dress and almost bought it. But it is polyester. So I said no. But it is pretty. And I wish someone would make this with recycled cotton/linen and/or let me find it thrifted.
It’s not at all surprising that more Japanese women are choosing to leave Japan to study and work/live abroad or choosing to work for international companies as the link above suggests.