Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.


What I liked this week:


  • Kate Spade came out with a light pastel pink version of their NYC city map scarf
  • A really interesting video on the insights of race and how it affects dating. For all you singletons out there, it’s a good watch.. for those of us who are taken, it’s still an interesting video and it sort of makes sense based on my own previous dating experience. H/T to Sarah of livetolist!
  • These items are trendy? REALLY?.. They’re hideous. Good article on fashion trends though. Related to that post on fashion trends, this one on copycat fashion on Instagram is SO TRUE. I covet items I see on Instagram.
  • This Animal Problems comic is too cute. Features an adorably outraged fox.
  • Sensible cooking tips for better food. I knew all of them and yet I still overcrowd my pan…
  • Can’t believe people can be dumb enough to think that a boy playing with a kitchen set is wrong. First, that kitchen set is AMAZING; I want it for Baby Bun because it is killer!!! Second, can you please tell all of these accomplished, proud, world class master chefs & patissiers who are all mostly male, that they’re “what’s wrong with society“? SERIOUSLY? STFU, you idiot trolls. Third, best comeback from the father: As far as my comment on if he wants to play with a barbie doll…again, let me stress this. HE IS 2. I have seen him get excited and play with a broom. Ya’ll need to chill.
  • This Barbie ad is actually spot on.. and totally adorable.


  • Corianne

    Haha, makes me think of all the times me and my little brother played together with my Barbie dolls and the Barbie house. Afterwards, we would play with Lego together or the toy cars.

    Oh, I overcrowd my pan as well. I think, let’s put it all in, but only after I put it in the pan I realize it’s too much food in the pan… I’m lazy and don’t want to cook twice or go and buy a bigger pan.

  • Sarah

    Love the kitchen set! I can’t believe the trolls said this is what is wrong with your country- implying that our boys are soft sine they play with kitchen sets, instead of doing useful things like shooting people? And there is nothing wrong with our country- everyone seems to want to come & live here after all.

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