Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.

This living room of Adam Lippes is not my style aesthetic and yet I like it a lot.

I am trying to pin down why.. I think it’s the combination of that gorgeous folding screen at the back and that couch with those stunning embroidered blue pillows.

It looks very cosy and great. I’d probably just get rid of the table at the back by the wall, the lamps, the table by the window, but I’d keep the side tables by the couch.

Oh and no coffee table. I always bang my shins on that stuff.

I really liked this documentary by Lisa Ling on America’s Sugar Daddies & Sugar Babies.

It is both enlightening and interesting to hear how young women work their assets, and men are happy to pay for it.

They do make a good point – is it any different from dating, or from the kinds of celebrity relationships we see of successful men always hooking up with gorgeous women but never the other way around (save for maybe that episode of Britney & Kevin)?


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