In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
Carpool Karaoke is hilarious and Corden can sing.
I loved this one with Britney (best bit is the ending), say what you want.. this woman is a survivor and has the most unique voice I’ve ever heard in the musical landscape. It is unmistakable when she sings or talks.
Video below!
- This is a great trip back to see how your style has evolved from years ago. I need to do something similar but probably can’t remember ever having done anything similar.
- YES. THIS A THOUSAND TIMES YES. Equal help in the household is expected, watching your own kid is not ‘babysitting’, and it is about time we stop thinking the home is only the woman’s domain.
- This printed maxi dress is still very autumn appropriate with a leather moto jacket, and a scarf.
- I love love love this. I cannot wait to see the film when it comes out.
- What a beautiful, belted tweed dress.
- As much as I don’t want to be a celebrity, I definitely do not want to be their assistant. This is horrifying to me.
- 10 habits of highly organized people. I count myself fairly organized but I needed this refresher to remind myself on how to become better organized, namely *cough* avoiding spillover *cough* and culling more. *cough cough*…
- Isabel Marant Dicker boots are very popular, but pricey. I love this (cheaper) take on it.
- I CANNOT wait for Japan to host the 2020 Olympics if this little stunt is anything to go by.
- This moto jacket is incredible and reasonably priced for its quality.
- When is Kate Spade not Kate Spade?
- The tailoring of this blazer and this one is impeccable. I own two of their coats and they are stunning.
- A super comfortable, striped jersey skirt. Add a scarf, some tights and it becomes autumn-worthy.
- I loved this photographer mom’s outfits on her baby Joey. I did something somewhat similar with Baby Bun and his baby photos 😉
- I kind of love the retro look of these sunglasses, and these ones make me think of the 60s.
- After reading this list, I am definitely a high performer, not a workaholic; that bit about saving it up and waiting to give 100% is very much me. I also care about results, not time clocked in.
- If only I had a black tie event to go to. I’d totally, TOTALLY BUY THIS DRESS. It looks like a Project Runway + Florist Avant Garde Creation.
- Do only white people get the title “expat” while all other ethnicities are “immigrants”? Am not so sure. I was in Hong Kong and people of all colours, shapes and sizes who were not from Hong Kong, were “expats”…
- This looks like a fabulous highlighter and bronzer for my cheeks. Minimal makeup because it’ll double as a blush.
- Three things lead to better performance when it is not manual labour: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. This video is fascinating on what motivates us.
I’m shaking my fists at you. That army green Smythe blazer is everything I’m looking for. ARGH!!