Minimalist Gifts for the Holiday Season
I’m really not a fan of gifts. I didn’t have a baby shower, I don’t celebrate my birthday with gifts from others, and while I do like giving gifts, it is only if
How to save $20,000 in a year
YOU NEED TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO BE ABLE TO SAVE $20,000 IN A YEAR If your gross income is $20,000, you will not be saving $20,000 a year. If after taxes, you take home less than $
The Credit Card Lesson of the Day: Keep your receipts!
So I think I may have mentioned this some time before, but my unusual-but-effective way of paying my credit cards each time I pay with it goes a little something like this: Buy som
How to travel and see the world for very little money
We all have a deep-seated desire in each of us to travel, even if your idea of travel means going to the beach and sipping margaritas all day, whereas mine would be to hike all aro
How much would it cost you to replace it?
When you are thinking about what to get rid of, you can just ask yourself: How much would it cost to get it replaced? If one day, you think you MIGHT need the item, think about wha
Tips and Tricks: How to handle regular banking with an online bank
I’ve been with online banks since I was 19 (like President’s Choice (PC) Financial or Tangerine in Canada). I basically hate paying bank fees, don’t like leaving
What are ‘Wants’ and what are ‘Needs’?
Here’s how I see it. NEEDS: Basic Food — Cooked from scratch Shelter — Rented or not, ideally in a safe environment Clothing — Basic clothing to keep warm (
Real Estate Comparison: What you can buy in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Note: I am just searching in downtown Montreal, nothing in the areas of Laval or not specifically “Montreal” as the city. You can click on any of the images below to go
Why I am teaching my kids about money by not giving them any to begin with
I obviously see the huge benefits in teaching your children about money early on, no matter how young they are, but for me, being a parent means being a role model for them in the
Where and how to start cutting in your budget when you need to save more money
I am not using myself as an example because I do not have a steady income and my expenses are not very controlled because I don’t really need to control them as long as I don