Ask Sherry: Would I be bothered if my son had scars?
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Does your child have any scars (even small ones) or did he ever need stitches?
None, so far… *knock on wood*. We had some hairy incidents where it LOOKED like he might get one, or need stitches but nope.
Would you be very upset if he got a scar, on the body or face? Thanks.
No. I would try my hardest to prevent it (practically going hoarse telling him to stop doing X and Y), but a scar is something that happens when things don’t go well.
I’d just be grateful that he isn’t dead.
Scars fade over time, physical ones.. I have three, myself, and while I don’t love them (obviously wish I didn’t smash headfirst into an iron gate going 15 miles an hour), I am happy they aren’t that noticeable and if anyone asks, I have a story, and I am still alive to tell it.
What item do you have that has by far received the most compliments?
I have to say my MM Lafleur two piece dress in Jungle Green — Fey too and Soho skirt together has pretty much made people tell me how much they love it and how good I look in it.
I had colleagues stop me to tell me this, and once when I went to a playdate in it, my neighbour had to close her husband’s mouth (playfully… LOL)… he was also exceptionally nice to me that day and she was amused by his reaction.
I also get lots of compliments based on colour. I wore this bright red dress the other day and people stopped me in the elevators to tell me how much they loved seeing red instead of all this grey and black around them.
Red is a very striking colour!
Let’s see… I also wore this outfit with a skirt and that infamous Fey top from above, and even my arch nemesis told me she loved my skirt. If she knew it was $600 USD originally she probably would have fainted. Or vomited.
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