Ask Sherry: Where I buy Baby Bun’s clothes and how I save 90% of my income
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Where do you buy Baby Bun’s clothes? Do you have any go to sites for purchasing children’s clothing?
Before I tell you what they are, note that I also try and buy at least two sizes up and then I roll up the sleeves or the pant legs and let him grow into it. So he looks a little small in his clothes sometimes (as noted by other parents.. *cough* ).. but they all grow so quickly it’s a waste, truly.
I basically have only gone to this ONE site to buy everything for Baby Bun: Mini Mioche… and I also use Etsy because you can ask for custom orders.
There is also this list of places to buy clothes, I have not gone and tried all of them.. yet. My truly favourite site though is the first one.
Did you used to write the blog Fabulously Broke In The City?
Yes. Welcome!
Which is the best store to sell suits i have all high end orig 1500 to 2500 usd. all italian worn once. i have about 12 suits..size 40
Where do you live?
I have consignment lists here for Toronto & Montreal.
I would also try selling them on The Real Real (U.S.), Poshmark (if you live in the U.S.), eBay (Global), and Vestiaire Collective (Global).
Hi Sherry! Your blog is very helpful for me as a mid-twenties consultant living in an expensive city in the US.
Ugh. That sucks. Expensive city living I mean, not that you like my blog 🙂
I’m curious though – it looks as though you put aside very little for your income taxes for your business and you’re able to bank 90%+ of your income from contracts.
Actually, I do pay a lot in income taxes for my business, about 20%.
All the income reported is net, not gross. 🙂
You will also note that every year, around tax season, I take a bit of a nosedive in my net worth due to charitable contributions (personal) and having to pay income taxes on the money withdrawn from my corporation.
Do you write-off and/or shelter a significant portion of your income?
No. I don’t write off a significant portion unless I have significant expenses. The only time I had to write off a lot was when I was working in another city and had to cover my hotel, food, transportation, and I ended up just living out of a hotel of which a big part of it was able to be written off.
Aside from that, I only have my brain to sell, nothing else. No inventory etc. I don’t have many expenses, so it’s all income.
I don’t shelter my income either, unless you count the fact that I leave it in the company which is the secret (I guess?) to good net worth growth, but not what I think is “sheltering” (e.g. moving it to the Cayman Islands)..
I was wondering about this because I’m impressed at how astronomically your net worth has grown in short periods of time. Thanks!
I guess to answer your question, my income is all net from the corporation (after taxes), but I still haven’t withdrawn all of the Retained Earnings, which means I have pending personal taxes to pay depending on how much I decide to pay myself in any given year.
I for instance, can choose to not withdraw $150,000 in a year so that I don’t pay 50% taxes (approximately). I can choose to withdraw only $30,000 and pay muchhhh less, and do it over a longer period of time.
It’s kind of like smoothing out your income over the years so that you get to keep more of it, which is a tax efficient strategy as well.
Did that answer your question? Ask me another one if you need more details. 🙂
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DC Consultant
That long comment was mine – thanks so much for taking the time to respond! “Shelter” was the wrong verb to use haha, and you did address my question. Love the blog!