Amazing Closet Inspiration
I saw this and immediately gasped. This salmon sort of wild pink is just such a perfect colour for a closet. I am surprised more people haven’t done this before!
I love the decorative touches, the dresser is a mirrored one, the double pink coloured curtains…
I also like the idea of curtains in a closet, so this one obviously spoke to me.
More curtains, this time with a mirror leaning against it, with the curtains as a backdrop. I am not a fan of that animal-style rug though. Kind of creepy. I also like the shoes in these little mini cupboards to the side as well.
The wallpaper (?) behind the shoes is a nice textural touch.
I am also leaning towards a peacock green/blue/teal sort of colour scheme instead of something bright salmon pink:
I love the doors on this closet, and again, the shelves for the shoes.
In green it looks great too.
I like the middle section for the shoes, boots on the bottom, and everything mixed in together but not scattered or jumbled.
Under lighting for the shoes and clothes hanging neatly with lots of empty space below.
More lighting!
What about this secret door/wallpaper compartment? I LOVE THIS. It makes it a statement wall/piece but it’s also functional
This is the rest of the closet, that chandelier is amazing:
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