All the WordPress Plugins I Love Using
This is my current list of plugins that I use and like using in WordPress.
- Contact Form 7 to be used with Really Simple CAPTCHA: Simple, easy contact form.
- No Self Pings: Stops WordPress from sending pings to your website (e.g. if you link internally). Old but it still works!
- Search and Replace: E.g. I changed my Twitter name from @mochimac to @saverspender, and used this plugin to change it site-wide
- Display Widgets: It lets you show or not show certain widgets anywhere you want
- Jetpack by WordPress.com: I use this for the stats, mostly.
- Statpress: I also use this one for stats, gives another angle to what’s happening on your site.
- Ozh’ Better Feed: This lets me put whatever I want in my feed’ footer
- Feedburner FeedSmith: Redirects any feed requests from WordPress to Feedburner
- WordPress Editorial Calendar: Lets me see my posts in a calendar format
- Future Calendar: I use this so when I’m writing, I have a calendar of posts beside me
- Bad Behaviour: Denys automated spambots from accessing your website
- Hotlink Protection: Stops people from directly linking to your images or “hotlinking”
- Growmap Anti Spambot: Adds a simple checkbox “Click here to prove you are not a spammer” for human commenters
- WP-DB Manager: Super easy way to backup your blog
- All in one SEO Pack: I don’t really get SEO and how to maximize anything (too lazy to learn) but this makes it easier I think.
- Google XML Sitemaps: Creates an automatic sitemap for you so you don’t have to do it. Then you just submit it to search engines.
- Quick Page Redirect: I moved from one blog URL to another, I had to redirect all of my old posts to this one for Google Juice
- WordPress Related Posts: Shows thumbnails of my related posts at the end of each post
- Really Simple Facebook Twitter Share buttons: Just for Facebook, Google + and Twitter. Simple and neat.
- WP-Socializer: Great for a floating bar of sharing buttons
- Shareaholic: Fabulous for having a row of Share buttons at the bottom of the page (e.g. Share the wealth!) and/or Related Posts
- Quick Cache: Makes your posts and pages load quicker
- Revision Control: I limit all my revisions to no more than 2 so it stops taking up unnecessary space.
- WP Smush.It: Reduces the size of the images you upload to your site for optimized loading.
- WP Widget Cache: Caches your widgets so that they don’t keep re-loading each time for visitors
- @Reply: Gives Twitter-like replies when a commenter (or I!) reply to a comment — this plugin is old but it still works
- Ajax Edit Comments: Allows readers to edit their comments within a specified time frame (e.g. 20 minutes)
- Add New Default Avatar: Instead of those ugly commenter icons on WordPress, you can choose cute pictures instead
- Akismet: For spam, nothing beats this one!
- Subscribe to Comments: Lets readers subscribe to comments on a page so that they don’t have to keep checking back
- WP-Touch: Instant mobile interface for your readers on smartphones
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