A Week of Money: Trying to be rich but not wasteful
Here are all of my Week of Money posts. I plan on doing this every week.
It’s Grocery Shopping day, so I hastily write down some things I want my partner to pick up from the store for the week.
- 6 bananas (slightly green) so I can make a Banana Bread seen above (recipe here) again in a month or so.
- 24 clementines – Baby Bun is a fiend for these things, and I can barely eat one without him clamouring for half of it each time, so I buy a lot of them.
- 2 broccoli heads – to roast and make “popcorn” out of
- 1 beet – For some sweetness
- 1 box of mushrooms – I’m “treating” myself this week to making meat mushrooms.
He pays for the entire bill and at the end of the month, we reconcile how much we owe each other.
I usually cover the fees and taxes for the home, which just about covers the living expenses for his half. We don’t bother paying each other back for amounts less than $500 because it will probably just end up the other way the next month.
We wait until the end of the year unless it is more than a thousand owed either way.
On average, $2000 a month is what I need to live with minimal expenses and a few occasional treats here and there, going downtown and snacks.
After he leaves, I get on Skype with a dear friend and we talk for 2 hours straight.
I do most of the talking because I’m just so happy to hear and see her, and I ramble on and on and on excitedly talking, while trying to keep Baby Bun off my back so I can have an adult conversation which is no small feat.
A lot of iPad apps came out, and threats of no more clementines if he isn’t quiet while I am chatting.
10 a.m.
We finally end the call and she heads off to yoga.
I feel refreshed from our conversation, and off that high, Baby Bun comes to me for his lunch, pleased that he has his Mommy back to himself again.
I feed him and my partner comes in just as we’re finishing a clementine orange together.
11:30 a.m.
We have our lunch together, a sandwich of cheese, and Baby Bun of course, eats for a second time because he’s a Food Monster and he is his Mommy’s Baby.
I finish washing all the dishes and get ready to go out for a little respite, some free Mommy time, eager to leave him and take a break.
I leave some instructions to get him down for his nap in half an hour and no more than 1 1/2 hours.
1 p.m.
I walk to the metro ($2.25) and head downtown, wandering around, not doing much but just walking and relaxing.
I browse a few shops, get tempted by this stunning striped wrap dress and this linen-blend slip dress for its pleats and minimalist simplicity.
I steel my reserve, putting it all back on the rack and leave.
I stop at a Starbucks and pick up a hot drink.
I spend $4.88 but you know what, even though I know it’s pretty much overpriced, flavoured hot milk, it is still delicious and it hits the spot.
I pull out my book The Queen of the South because it is SO GOOD I can’t stop reading it.
I consider going for a quick bite to eat somewhere, like a snack or a piece of cake, or even a cannoli but decide to save my money instead for next week.
I have to stop “treating” myself especially since I already spent almost $10 today with just an overpriced hot drink and the metro trips.
5 p.m.
I realize it’s already getting late, and it will take some time to get home, so I hop back on the metro (another $2.25) to go home and arrive just in time to see my partner hoist Baby Bun into his chair, and we sit down for a nice little dinner he cooked.
After I do the dishes AGAIN so I won’t have to rush the next morning to clear the space for Cooking Day (it doesn’t end, seriously), I go and lie down, and continue reading until the very last pages of The Queen of the South is done.
Saved: $0
Spent: $9.38
YES. Under $10!
I wake up, and go through the usual routine of getting Baby Bun some milk, making myself tea and having him settle in to a breakfast of a whole banana (it’s all he wants).
8 a.m.
My partner finally gets up and gets started on the work for the day.
I do try to at least give him the morning to “sleep” in or rest because I leave for long stretches of time during the weekend, and between a full-time job and then having to watch Baby Bun as well, I am well aware of his need for Daddy Time too.
When I go back to work full-time, this may change.
It’s Cooking Day for the household, meaning I’m wrangling Baby Bun in the bedroom and trying to keep him occupied with things to do (like helping me fix clothes and mend items) while my partner cooks.
Sometimes I give Baby Bun a mirror to look at himself (which he loves) and he likes saying: “Baby Bun! See Baby Bun??? Mommy?”
My partner finally finishes cooking and leaves a whole counter full of pots, pans and 50 million dishes to wash.
This is the opposite of what the kitchen looks like when he is done because it is how I normally like the kitchen to look, so I’m always washing dishes and wiping.
We have a nice lunch that my partner whips up of an omelette.
I mention my hair dilemma of wanting to get it cut but not wanting to spend $75 because I’m being super stingy with money these days.
It feels like straw and is starting to get tangled more often (a sure sign of split ends).
I don’t really want to pay for a hairdresser.
Going to need to think about this.
My partner says: Why don’t you just do it yourself?
I am horrified… and then intrigued. 🙂
1 p.m.
Later on after Baby Bun naps, I google “DIY Haircuts” and find a few sites for this, while binge watch episodes of Queen of the South but I think the book is much better.
I finish the last episode, and my partner comes home.
Normally, I usually go out again for a few more hours but I don’t feel like going anywhere today, so I start on my new book: The Last American Man by Liz Gilbert and am SUCKED into the pages. (Spoiler Alert: It is a must-read), which I greedily devour even after Baby Bun wakes up.
3 p.m.
I decide that I absolutely need to get my hair cut and spend more time googling DIY haircuts and watching tutorials.
6Â p.m.
We have a nice dinner.
….and after dinner, I propose that we cut my hair right now and he exclaims that I should have told him BEFORE the bottle of wine, not after.
He’s nervous he won’t cut it straight or do it properly, but he gamely and drunkenly helps me DIY cut my hair and I am surprised at how much I love the results.
Who knew? I’m amazed.
I go and take a shower, and marvel at how incredibly soft, fresh and NEW my hair feels…
You can read all about my DIY haircut experience and lessons learned here.
I will never go to the hair salon again unless I decide to treat myself to a whole spa day thing.
7 p.m.
I check my emails again and I see that I sold two books on Starting a Blog Like a Boss.
Sweet! 🙂
I make about $1000 USD/a month off the blog, which I do blog about here on my monthly Budget Roundups.
Once I get it up to $2000 USD, I can breathe a sigh of relief and not worry as much about having to grab a contract.
This month I am looking at about $1200 USD so at least it’s $200 USD up from the month before.
Earned: $37.88
Saved: $75 —Â forever. I am never going to the salon again unless I REALLY need to.
Spent: $0
7 a.m.
The day after Cooking Day is usually my own day to make foods at my leisure or supplement what my partner makes for the week.
I eat twice what he does, and I get more bored easily by the same thing over and over again, so it means I need to make up the other half of food by frying up or making things to supplement the meals and change it up.
I’ve been flogging this vegan burger recipe thing trying to perfect it, and I decide to give myself a break from it by cooking some ‘meat’ mushrooms to eat with some quinoa this week.
It’s pretty simple to make — just slice up some white button mushrooms, heat up a pan of oil, and fry them up until they release all the water inside and start to shrivel up to get a meatier texture.
I also add a drizzle of Bragg’s soy sauce, and then when I see them soaking up the sauce nicely, I drain the pan so that they don’t get too salty, and I fry them until I see them crisp up and have a nice browned crust.
When you take them out to eat, it really tastes like.. meat. At least to me it does.
9:30 a.m.
I head out for a quick errand with Baby Bun because things open at 10 a.m. to drop a letter in the mailbox to reply back to the Customs agents about a package they’re holding.
I remind myself I need to pick up more stamps but decide to do it when I actually need to mail another letter rather than spend the money now.
As I do it, I realize my car is about to hit the 1/4 gas mark and I don’t like it to get too low because you never know when you might get stranded somewhere just for being cheap.
I fill up the car completely, and it somehow it comes out to a perfect, even $58 without my even trying.
By the way, I hate doing that thing of pumping gas until you get an even number. That’s just silly because I read the extra gas just evaporates and you’re just wasting your money and time in doing it.. and there’s nothing I hate more than wasting money AND time.
I also vow to make this $58 last the entire month or longer if I can as a mini goal, which means going out less but also taking my foot OFF the gas pedal and coasting when I know stop signs are coming up, etc, instead of rushing.
11 a.m.
Back home, I prepare my own lunch with the meat mushrooms, and Baby Bun’s fare.
We share 4 clementines together and that takes us all the way to nap time.
Baby Bun goes down for his nap, and I watch old episodes of Mr. Monk.
There is something so comforting about the show with its blend of old-style, light hearted humour, fantastic world-class acting by Tony Shaloub as Monk, and it is never too gruesome with too much blood and gore or too action-packed like Castle (my other favourite) is sometimes.
I eat a few Werther’s hard candies I save for his nap time and get through a few episodes while idly browsing (*cough* shopping where I have no business going *cough*) and watching the videos in the background.
Sometimes I drink a cup of tea instead because every time I eat processed candy, I always feel a little fatigued afterwards from all the additives.. but it is too hard to resist when my willpower is so low.
1:30 p.m.
Baby Bun comes thundering out of the bedroom like a baby elephant squealing for me.
Truth be told, I can usually hear when he wakes up but in my dreamy fantasies, he sits and plays by himself quietly until I come and get him at 3 p.m. … ALL THE LOLS.
He demands milk (it’s his schedule — Lunch, Nap, Milk)… and while he is occupied, I do all the dishes and leave them to dry on the counter.
We play, read books and give the stuffed animals picnics until Daddy comes home.
6 p.m.
Relief and help arrives.
I suit up for some yoga, and head into a room, locking the door to go through a quick 15-minute routine alone.
I love using the Gaiam Yoga Studio App, and it is well worth the price of $6. I think it’s great and you can come up with your own yoga schedule and routine.
6:15 p.m.
I go and take a shower (another blessed 15 minutes of relaxation). I wash my face, and go through my skincare routine and head to lie down and chat with my partner until bedtime at 8 p.m.
8 p.m.
I’m already dozing in bed when Baby Bun flops down beside me, protesting his “nap” (what he calls his bedtime).
I pat his bum until I fall asleep. He wiggles it, protesting the lack of bum-patting motion, and I keep patting his bum until we both fall asleep.
I’m going to break this habit next week.
Saved: $0
Spent: $58
The morning of course, is the same as usual.
Baby Bun morning wakeup bugle call squeal.
Two cups of tea (matcha green tea latte & black tea).
I start on the dishes I left in the sink last night because I was too lazy to do them.
I put on my Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones and wash the dishes while watching Big Bang Theory, a show recommendation from a friend…… so I was multi-tasking! I put the laptop high above on the counter and angle it so that Baby Bun (for now) can’t see what’s on the screen.
I pause if he starts to get a glimpse of something and wait until he goes away and does something else before continuing to watch.
The heavens have parted and my PACKAGE CAME IN!
After about oh, 2 months or longer? I think I ordered and paid for these items in December of last year. :-\
*sobs with tears of joy*
Review on the Dagne Dover bags above here.
And some comfortable loungewear and lingerie.
- Eberjey Gisele Pyjama Sleepshirt
- Love & Lemons Loucette Bralettes in Grey/Black & Red/Rose
- Cosabella Sweetie Black Lace bralette
- Cosabella White Lace bralette
- Cosabella x Paul & Joe Bra & Underwear set (Sold out but similar here)
I spend the morning pawing through my gorgeous items and what I really love are my gorgeous sleep shirts. I could do with a whole wardrobe of them.
They work as a shirt, a pair of pants.. comfy, snuggly.. with a pocket for handkerchiefs because ……Baby Bun.
A typical morning at 6:30 a.m.
I have lunch and realize that I am completely out of meat mushrooms (yummy), and need to figure out a meal for lunch for the next two days until Grocery Day again.
I decide to deal with it tomorrow depending on how I feel. I know I plan on going to the playgroup with Baby Bun so maybe I’ll grocery shop then.
1 p.m.
After Baby Bun goes down for his nap, I start on taking photos for the Dagne Dover review post of the Charlie Tote, Midi Tote, Lola Pouch, 15-inch and 13-inch original totes.
Baby Bun wakes up and I try to get as much done as possible after giving him his bottle of milk, because I am realizing a proper review is going to be a 3-day affair with the time I am spending.
Near the end, I look at my haul and realize I don’t really need to keep all of these bags.
I only want to keep maybe two of the bags because who needs multiple variations of the same thing in different sizes?
I decide to be generous and make a decision to give one away on the blog with the review to a Dagne Dover-deprived sister around the world, as they still don’t ship out of the U.S.
Just doing that, means I just added another hour or two onto the review because now I need to set up the giveaway and do custom images for it.
Why do I do this to myself!?
4 p.m.
I make a conscious decision to stop working and we go to lie down to read together and play “picnic” with his stuffed animals (these are all of his toys and things).
It is actually really relaxing and cute to watch him, cook feed and take care of his stuffed animals.
I hope he will be a great father (if he chooses to be one), or at the very least a generous, loving person who takes care of others and helps those in need.
I am probably reading too much into this behaviour right now with some stuffed animals and toys, but I would like to at least remember just how sweet he is when he has his monster moments.
I end up snoozing, half reading beside him the rest of the afternoon while we play.
6 p.m.
8 p.m.
I do the dishes just before Bedtime because I hate having a sink full of it to do when I wake up.
(See? Routine.)
Saved: $0
Spent: $6.88
Retroactively Spent: $666.06*
*Doesn’t feel like it is a coincidence it came out to “666” somehow. 😛
The plan for today is to hoist Baby Bun off to playgroup, and to go get some lunch, but on a major, MAJOR budget.
I am thinking $5 – $10 and I start to weigh my options seeing as the gas is already spent getting to playgroup.
OPTION A: Go downtown = $14.50
Either I can go and take the metro downtown ($4.50) and then pick up a lunch or something which would cost an extra $10 let’s say.
OPTION B: Stay local & walk to a grocery store = $10
I decide on Option B today because IÂ want to go downtown on the weekend and get a few snacky treats, and I was already planning on only taking the metro once a week.
I start laundry before I head out the door so that I can put it in the dryer when I come back.
We dress, and I snap #OOTD shots for Instagram to edit later while at playgroup, waiting for Baby Bun.
After leaving Baby Bun at playgroup, I browse the aisles and out of temptation, I add a box of milk chocolate covered shortbread biscuits to the basket for $2.99, but after a browse around the grocery store, I put them back after having a good think on it.
I don’t need the extra sugar, not to mention the additional $3 to the budget for junk food.
I’d rather save it for one of my mini snack cakes on the weekend when I go out alone and enjoy it slowly while reading whatever book I’m on that day.
I was sorely tempted by the cashew butter, but for $14, I don’t love it that much; I’d rather wait for the raw organic almond stuff to go on sale for the same price. I heard that RAW nuts are better than the roasted kind because there’s something about the way they dry roast / heat up the nuts to such an extent that it cooks the nut and loses all of its natural goodness and/or creates some sort of byproduct from the super high roasting heat?
Either way, I decide going as raw as possible would be a better idea just to be on the safe side, even if it isn’t true especially since I like the taste of it in a spread.
I head to the seafood aisle and start to put some fish ($5.69) on the basket because it would be easy to cook, but as I am thinking of what I would eat with said fish (quinoa, that’s another 30 minutes).
Out of sheer laziness, I realize it would take a little more time than I am willing to spend for this particular lunch today considering the logistics of wrangling a toddler back home from playgroup, getting in the door, undressing, packing stuff away, getting his lunch ready and getting him down for his nap (already an hour and a half in total).
After all that, then I have to eat my own lunch too? Nuh uh.
I scrap that idea and pick up a baguette ($2.99) and some smoked natural chicken meat ($2.99) that I make sure doesn’t have added preservatives, and with taxes, it comes to a total of $6.88.
It’s not ideal, but I will do the fish tomorrow when there’s no playgroup and I have more time to make a better meal, and eat it at playgroup.
IÂ shoot the breeze with the other parents who have come back early and are waiting around for their own toddlers.
I wash it down with a cup of teapigs liquorice & mint tea (pictured below). I still marvel at how much I hate the taste of mint and liquourice and yet I love this caffeine & sugar-free tea (that has a sweet aftertaste!).
11:30 a.m.
We go up to lasso our toddlers and it’s toddler pandemonium in the coat room because everyone is trying to wrangle their toddlers into jackets, boots, hats, etc, and to keep track of their children who like to dart around and disappear.
11:45 a.m.
On the way back while I am in the car, I am hit by a bout of dizziness.
I pull over anyway to be safe, push on my eyeballs hard to stop the dizziness and take deep breaths of cold air.
After a few minutes, I feel better, so I get the car moving again, this time with the windows down for the cold air to keep me in check.
I finally get Baby Bun home, after desperately making him sing “Wheels on the Bus” with me in the car to stop him from napping and trapping me in the prison that is my car.
We get in the door, wash our hands, change our clothes, and IÂ quickly stuff a hardboiled egg in his mouth, telling him it’s his pre-lunch and now it’s time for a nap.
Baby Bun naps almost instantly, which means he was run HARD at the playgroup today (Nice.)
I put the wet laundry in the dryer.
I already had my lunch so I log in and watch a few more episodes of Big Bang Theory, and while I am doing this, I know I shouldn’t, but I log into M. Gemi to ogle at their shoes.
I am still in love with their Stellato, a flat, gorgeous, feminine loafer, and I covet the Natural shade hard.
I probably won’t ever buy flats from any other brand again and will wear them to death and replace from them again.
I own two other M. Gemi shoes, the Bolla (which is a ballet flat) and the Tuta which is now discontinued but the Fortuna pointed ballet flat or the Stellato a feminine loafer without the band is just as gorgeous.
I already know the feminine loafer works well for my now defined New York meets Paris style, because I have it in a navy blue here, sort of blurry but shown in the background (watch is the Fossil Vintage Muse by the way)
I log off that site before I can imagine I can do any damage.
1:30 p.m.
Baby Bun comes thundering out like a baby rhinoceros on a rampage asking for his late lunch.
I feed my food monster and then I do the dishes.
As I’m doing the dishes, he runs and slips on a puzzle piece (how many times have I told that child to walk!?) and he splits his lip open, bleeding all over my shirt, doing that silent scream that all parents fear means much worse.
I freak out that he may have knocked a tooth out or bit his tongue off, but he is fine.
It takes 25Â minutes to calm him down, I cuddle him hard and we go to lie down and read books together, and do Baby Bun things.
5:30 p.m.
Daddy comes home but not for long.
He has time to make some freshly squeezed orange juice (for a cold we’re battling), and dresses again to go back out for a project meeting for some big launch.
This is super rare that he goes back out after coming home, but it happens. He once had my back on a particularly harrowing project when I had to go out for an all-nighter from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
I remember the dried laundry and I enlist Baby Bun’s help to sort & put it all away, and start wiping down the semi-dried dishes on the counter to put away and asking him where all the plastic lids go. Everything, is a fun activity for Baby Bun.
6:30 p.m.
I feel a little belly rumble, so I make two hardboiled eggs with a touch of salt.
I don’t actually like my eggs very dry or hardboiled, so what I do is I cook them until the whites are cooked but the insides are still nice and runny. I call it my “poached-like” hardboiled eggs.
A lot cleaner than real poached eggs and easy to eat.
Recipe for poached-like hardboiled eggs
Bring water to a boil.
Put in both eggs gently with a big spoon.
Boil for 6 minutes on high.
Turn off the burner, leave them for another minute in the water (as it bubbles and cools down)
Run them under cold water and peel them immediately to eat.
If you leave them a little bit in the warm water, they obviously keep cooking, so you can experiment with the doneness.
I eat them warm, with a sprinkle of salt, standing up in the kitchen. It’s a nice, fast snack and it is very satisfying because it is warm and runny.
As I am eating them, I realize that I ate the two eggs left that I planned on using for breakfast tomorrow.
I log in and google “Vegan Pancakes” and come across this recipe. Challenge accepted. I won’t even need to use milk for it (although I could).
Baby Bun is going to love ’em.
I also ponder between buying a pack of sausages (don’t ask me why but I have been craving Italian sausages for the past month and trying to squash down the temptation), or a nice piece of fish (also another craving as of late).
I guess I’ll decide once I get to the grocery store tomorrow and see the prices & freshness of things.
Just before I log off, I get an email that an ad network sent me $145.52 USD which ends up being $189.18 CAD with the conversion rate.
This is turning out to be a great week.
8:00 p.m.
Daddy is still not home yet. I get Baby Bun ready for bed, read a storybook to him lying down, and turn off the lights. He falls asleep, and so do I.
9:30 p.m.
I hear my partner come in the door which wakes me slightly, and now that we’re all accounted for, I finally go to sleep.
Earned: $189.18
Saved: $0
Spent: $6.88
6:30Â a.m.
I wake up feeling bad having yelled at Baby Bun last night at 3 a.m. to please BLOODY GO TO SLEEP BECAUSE MOMMY IS TIRED.
He wouldn’t sleep and snuffled sadly for 15 minutes until I cuddled him.
I know it makes it worse when I yell at him, and it takes longer for him to sleep, but my judgement is just terrible and non-existent when I am sleep deprived and he does a piercing squeal in the middle of a deep REM cycle.
My partner, who has had a terrible night as well from his late project meeting (we co-sleep with our toddler), isn’t pleased about last night either but he doesn’t say anything because he has done it himself and he knows that it is worse for me to be exhausted at home with a rambunctious, willful toddler who constantly refuses to go to the potty in time to keep his underwear dry, than it is to be at work with well-behaved (for the most part) adults.
I wake up exhausted even though Baby Bun slept until almost 6:30 a.m. because of it and go through our morning milk & tea routine.
I do the LightStim’s on my cheeks while Baby Bun drinks his milk because I want to get it done for today. I stare at my pores in the mirror after it’s done and realize that my acne scars are finally fading and I am achieving that perfect, clear clean skin look.. without any makeup.
The extra boost must be from the device in addition to my acne regimen which I need to update and post on again.
I ponder taking a nap while Baby Bun naps today, or lie down to watch some episodes instead of sitting in a chair and half-watching, half-working.
We start to feel better by talking to each other and say good-bye exhausted but in better moods than when we woke up.
7:30 a.m.
I am about to make some quinoa early in the morning for my lunch while I wait for the grocery stores to open, until I realize that I would be cooking just half a cup for today which seems like a waste of energy and time (and clean-up!)
I should have planned to run out of quinoa earlier in the week and cooked a bigger batch then. I make a mental note to do this next week.
I decide to switch it up and have soba noodles with whatever I buy today because it’ll take less time to cook and I can choose how much to cook for this one lunch.
I tell Baby Bun we’re going out and he excitedly runs to grab his shirt and pants.
Baby Bun gets wrangled into his jacket and I’m about to put on a winter jacket and decide against it. I won’t die in just a blazer.
We’re walking what, 10 feet to the store?
9 a.m.
I get to the grocery store and compare the two options I was craving — salmon (which I would dust sumac over with a bit of soy sauce) on a sandwich or mild Italian sausages which I have been craving for months now.
The smallest cut of fish for sale is $6.80, and when I see the sausages for $5.99 but with a 30% off sticker (they must be eaten by tonight, or so the label says), it’s a no brainer because that’s only around $4 then. Done.
Since I was craving either or, I take the cheaper option and am pleased.
I successfully avoid buying bread or any specialty drinks like I am prone to doing, and walk out with only the sausages. $4.19
I know I have been trying to eat vegan/vegetarian (which I have been!) but it is darn hard, and I am sort of hoping this meat will make me feel so tired and not great so I can break the habit and think: It’s a nice memory to want to eat sausages but it actually doesn’t make my body feel good.
That’s actually how I eliminated my McDonald’s habit when I was in college and wanted to eat better; I went really healthy, then I ate ONE pack of Chicken McNuggets and swore off them forever after I felt sick from them.
10 a.m.
The sausages are almost done in the oven and I am feeding Baby Bun his normal lunch so that at least he gets vegetables inside of him before he gets the ‘treat’.
I know he will probably eat at least two of the 5 sausages as well as a small bowl of noodles in addition to the bowl of stew he is eating now.
I start on making the noodles after Baby Bun finishes eating and in the meantime, I continue taking photos for the Dagne Dover review and giveaway.
The noodles are done, Baby Bun is clamouring for them (or ‘oranges’ he says), and I save aside half the sausages for tomorrow’s lunch and we settle down to a nice meal together.
He goes down for his nap with his belly full and a smile on his face.
Near to the last sausage, I actually did sort of feel queasy and swear off sausages forever after tomorrow’s lunch (I hate waste.)
Just as I’ve predicted.
They’re too greasy, the flavour wasn’t what I remembered (e.g. delicious) and I would have preferred some eggs and an avocado instead.
I know for next time now. No more sausages. Done.
1 p.m.
I tried to do more stuff online but my brain is all fuzzy and it hurts from sleep deprivation and (maybe?) the bad choice of sausages for lunch.
Who knows. I don’t even care at this point, I go to lie down and watch videos with my eyes closed and the LightStim’s soothing heat on my cheeks.
1:30 p.m.
After half an hour, I feel better so I get up and start working on the Dagne Dover review post again.
3 p.m.
Baby Bun is up and I am thinking it was way too soon.
I finally finish the post.
From taking the pictures, creating images, to cropping, to writing verbiage, sourcing information, etc… it takes about 6-8 hours in total and I started 2 days ago!
Anyone who says blogging is an easy, fun hobby, is not a blogger.
Gat damn.
I’m spent at the end but I did it and have it all ready to go for next week.
I hand him some milk to drink while I do the dishes, pots and pans, and get ready to take him down to the pool.
I usually keep all the pool things together in one bag for easy access which includes:
- My only one-piece swimsuit I have owned for years from Seafolly in a Retro Boyleg cut
- The rest of Baby Bun’s swim diapers from Huggies (a throwback from when he was in diapers, but I use them still)
- His Schlori swim cushions which are fantastic and super easy to use on a toddler (and plastic-free), plus adjustable for as he gets bigger
- His little Green Toys boat which we like to use in the jacuzzi (we don’t stay in there long, just to warm up)
I’ve never really understood the need for multiple swimsuits because I haven’t been someone who has gone to the beach or pool often as an activity.
My sister owns 15 swimsuits.
I asked her what she did with all of them, and she said that she changed swimsuits twice a day on vacation. LOL
Maybe it’s also a throwback from being fat and ugly as a child but I’ve also never seen the point in bikinis because I don’t have (and never had) a rock hard body so I don’t really want to wear a bikini that fits awkwardly.
I’m slender and skinny but I (personally) have never felt like I wanted to be ‘sexy’ at the pool.
Also, I can’t really see that bikini staying on properly if you’re actually swimming vigorously (isn’t a one-piece more comfortable & secure for this?), and I don’t tan or lay around avoiding the water.
I guess it’s like an outfit… for the beach. And if you’re really into the beach scene, you need multiple outfits. I can relate.
5:30Â p.m.
Back from swimming and I throw it all into the wash.
6 p.m.
8 p.m.
Dishes and bedtime.
Spent: $4.19*
*which means from yesterday’s $6 and today’s $4, I almost managed to stay under my $10 budget and spread it out between three days although I will never buy these sausages again.
I take Baby Bun out to his playgroup again and this time instead of going anywhere or doing anything, I sit back and start on a new book:Â The Wasp that Brainwashed the Caterpillar.
I get through half a page before a parent comes in and we start chatting. We’re pretty talkative as a group, being completely starved for adult conversation most of the time, so it’s hard to get anything done if another parent sees you there.
I take Baby Bun out of playgroup early so we can get home a bit sooner.
11 a.m.
I stuff Baby Bun with his normal vegan lunch, and then finish off the sausages from yesterday, with more noodles.
I really, REALLY vow to never buy these things again. They aren’t as good as they smelled or as they were in my head or memory.
Baby Bun goes down for his nap after his lunch and I take a break. I decide to read more of my newest book: The Wasp that Brainwashed the Caterpillar.
I somehow thought I’d hate the book or at least not be THAT interested but from page one, it is funny, witty and has gripped my attention throughout the end.
Wasps that can take over and mind control caterpillars to do their bidding? Zombie ants being mind controlled by a fungus spore?
I put down the book and decide to clear off my email Inboxes, and pop a Werther’s hard caramel into my mouth for a sweet treat.
As I am logging in, I see two emails from Paypal pop up that two people bought my Investing Tool. SWEET! $95.70 USD ($127.49 CAD)
This is wrapping up to be a great week.
I may make some Vegan pancakes because I’m still sort of hungry and craving something sweet.
1 p.m.
Vegan pancakes it is. It is my first time ever, making pancakes so…. yeah!
I wasn’t sure about the TWO teaspoons of baking soda but who am I to argue with the internet?
I sift everything super thoroughly and cook the entire batch.
They turn out well after I get the hang of letting them cook long enough so that they’re flippable. They look so cute!
I take a bite and pretty much gag. It tastes LIKE baking soda. Bitter.. with that strange aftertaste..
I knew I should have listened to my instincts about that baking soda but I never like to second-guess recipes because you should always follow it once in its original state and THEN make notes & modifications afterwards as you see fit to reach a perfect recipe.
New modified recipe: Vegan Pancakes
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups water
1 tablespoon oil
I’ll try that next time, maybe next week. They’re kind of dry though, guess it’s because they’re vegan.
1:30 p.m.
Baby Bun wakes up from his nap and I give him a few bites of the pancakes to see if he likes them.
He gamely eats a few bites, seemingly NOT to notice that horrid aftertaste of baking soda, but doesn’t hound me for more bites, which in Baby Bun World means that it is NOT that good.
I wish they looked like these! No dice.
I wash the dishes, and decide to clean so I bring out the vacuum which makes him run for the hills (the bedroom) and fling himself onto the futon, squealing & giggling with glee.
He does this every time. It is very cute.
I vacuum the entire apartment, then steam mop.
3:00Â p.m.
We put together puzzles and cuddle, reading books.
I stare at the clock, willing it to go faster.
4:00 p.m.
ARGH. ONLY ONE HOUR has passed?
Okay, time to do something productive. My brain is mushing.
I pull out my closet rack and Baby Bun happily traipses in and starts pawing at my clothes.
I flip through my clothes one by one, mentally making a note to see if I will wear it by the end of summer or have to sell/donate it.
I manage to cull a few items out of my wardrobe (shrunken shirts because I accidentally put them in the dryer and crop tops are not my thing), and set aside a few more shirts that I plan on wearing as ‘playground wear’ because they’re still nice, but are being relegated down a rung from ‘work appropriate’ to ‘park-only’ stuff because I won’t care if it gets dirty or ruined.
6Â p.m.
Daddy! (To which I say internally: Finally. The reinforcements arrive.)
I don’t know who is happier to see him, Baby Bun or I.
7 p.m.
I manage to sneak in an hour of uninterrupted internet browsing while Baby Bun plays with his father.
I see more affiliate payments come in, one after another:
- $38.40 USD
- $106.71 USD
- $38.81 USD
I guess when it rains it pours! WOO HOO.
Total $183.92 USD earned which is about $245.01 CAD.
In total, all the money earned covers my condo fees for one month. YAY!
8 p.m.
More dishes, and bedtime.
Earned: $372.50 – more than one month’s condo fee payment
Spent: $0
Saved: $0
I think what I am headed towards is trying to be rich and live a luxurious life but not to be wasteful with items, my time nor money.
I don’t want to (and will never) deprive myself of things, but I need to re-evaluate on a cost/benefit basis what actually makes me happy or not.
A true rationality & scrutiny of each piece that comes into my life especially since that money could go to actual bills.
It for me, is a great progress that I am feeling like I have too many bags (instead of feeling luxuriously decadent) to the point where I decide to give one away instead of keeping it for myself which I would have done before.
As for things like haircuts?
Never really cared much about my hair as long as it looked nice, so now I have that money freed up for something I really do enjoy like a deep tissue massage or a facial.
It’s all about choosing what I really want, and I am starting to really embrace that.
Here are all of my previous Week of Money posts.
Oh, the toddler days are so long. I had two, 23 months apart, and stayed home for about a year. Some days were so hard I’d be standing by the door to the garage, keys in hand, waiting for my husband to walk in. I’d hear the garage door start to go up and I’d be like YOUR TURN, PEACE OUT.
On the pancakes, you might try using unsweetened apple sauce. I use it as a substitute for oil (1:1) in baking and it’s amazing.
These are the best vegan pancakes ever: http://www.isachandra.com/2011/12/puffy-pillow-pancakes/
You’re welcome!!
Love your posts, and I was wondering if you might mention if your fridge contents have changed at all? My fridge (and shopping style) has gotten as minimal as I can get it since reading your fridge/kitchen posts, but my partner and I very rarely eat out and he eats a lot. I make meals for both of us, and our fridge is usually fairly full at the start of the week. Is your fridge/pantry looking a little fuller while you strive to save money?
So long… MOnday: didn’t like the two, glad you skipped them. Started Queen f the South – it’s hard going with so many words and names that don’t stick in my brain!
I like reading your days – makes me realise i might hate motherhood – well the long days of caring with a toddler. I suspect as much, but wonder if a well of hormones may change that when they come along? Actually, I sorta like takable age kids more than babies, and wonder if my body/tiredness could have me work ‘sooner’ and take time later… anyhow… long way from that currently.