What I read: The Start of The Year Edition 2022
I read about 249 books last year, here are my favourites in a roundup from 2021. Here they are for the 2 years I started doing summaries: Year 2020 (217 books) Year 2019 I have th
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Making $40K/month & spending it like crazy
1. $40K/Month This young doctor made $40K/month, but spent it like crazy ($17K). On average, Michael works about 11 shifts in a Toronto hospital and is paid $2,300 per shift or $25
Week of Money: Where it’s back to work again
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up to Little Bun snorting and sneezing. I whisper: If you are awake, let’s get up then. There is no point in pretending to sleep! I go over to him an