We will always find a way to separate ourselves into little groups
I have been reading a lot of non-fiction lately, and also perusing a lot of content in regards to culture and race, most notably after reading this book – In the Land of Invi
No one assumes single men are tragic a.k.a. Dumbing yourself down for a mate
I got this in an Ask Sherry post and it went on for too long so I made a separate post for it. Hi Sherry, I would like to know your opinion/comments on this study : Even today, re
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Parisian Dreams in the 8th arondissement
1. Parisian dreams This is clearly a well done apartment in Paris. 200 square meters is 2150 square feet in the 8th arondissement near the Champs-Élysée and the Arc de Triomphe a
Ask Sherry: How to help a 4-year old avoid bad influences & moisturizer
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. Is Paula’s Choice Water Infusing Electrolyte Moistur
Week of Money: Where Little Bun tries my patience…..
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up super early. I know it’s my anxiety. I can’t go back to sleep. ??:?? — I drift back to sleep and then wake up again because Little Bun snu
Early retirement is not all it’s cracked up to be and why we went back to work
I usually ‘early retire’ in between contracts but when it was around 2020 around the start of the year when I lost my contract (pandemic woes), that’s when I real
Bonus Stuffie Adventure: The Starbucks for Life Game
Little Bun LOVES Starbucks for Life, which is a holiday game that happens annually. This year, they added a little bonus story about Basil the Mouse. It starts like this: Little Bu
What I read: The Valentine’s Edition 2021
I read quite a bit last month of 41 books as I had about 4 days of a break at the start of the month, so I managed to power through quite a lot of books. This month, I didn’
Week of Money: Where I get a bombshell that I have to help my family even more
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up weak from my aura migraine last night. I really don’t feel 100%. 7:28 a.m. — I make a tea, look at the massive pile of pots and dishes, and I kn