Being rich doesn’t insulate you from having to live
The biggest misconception people have about money is that it will solve all your problems, and if you win something big, let’s say a lottery, or manage to sell all the stocks
Do you count on the lottery as part of your retirement plan?
My parents kind of do. Not as much as before, but I can see the desperation/hope in their eyes. At least, before I got a hold of their finances (all the papers they didn’t tr
We are happiest when we’re paid by the hour
Using cross-sectional data from the US, two studies found that income was more strongly associated with happiness for individuals paid by the hour compared to their non-hourly coun
You don’t desire what you have never had
My mom said this to me the other day when I was asking her about what it was like to grow up in poverty. I kept saying: I can’t imagine living like that, sleeping on a fruit
Comparing Point and Shoot Digital Cameras: Canon G12, Canon S95 and Sony RX100
This is a comparison of these three digital point-and-shoot cameras because I am a normal person who uses this camera for normal photos, not for professional photographs. So aside
Investing Series: How to move your RRSP or TFSA account from a bank like TD Canada Trust to Questrade
This is a part of the Investing Series. ————————————————- By the way, this is infor
Organized Desktop: Keep it clean, neat and blank!
Nothing irritates me more than a cluttered desktop. Any more than 5 files and I start twitching. I use my desktop as the temporary space for files, pictures, anything I don’t
Is it worth it to be self-employed in Canada and getting maternity or sick leave benefits?
As a self-employed person living in Canada, I pretty much assume the following: If I am sick while on contract, I lose money (I charge by the hour; no show, no pay) If I have to ta
Why are people happiest earning $75,000?
The study came out in 2010 saying that people are happiest earning $75,000. According to a new study from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School, it sort of does — up
Would you buy a home with a friend?
So I was watching Property Virgins the other day (What?! Just because I don’t want to buy a home doesn’t mean I am not interested..), and there was a couple who was buy