Save. Spend. Splurge.

10 expensive items to flaunt your wealth

From Moneyland Time (you should go read about all of these items in detail)

1. $90 T-Shirt from Goop
2. $25 Celebrity Lollipop from Sugar Factory
3. $666 Douche Burger from the 666 Burger food truck in NYC


4. $11 Foie Gras Donuts from Do or Dine
5. $1600 for Digital Art
6. $10,000 Martini from NYC Alongquin Hotel
7. $25,000 Luxury Doghouse from La Petite Maison
8. $100 Cup of Coffee (Civet-Pooed)
9. $2600 Bottle of Water
10. $1 Million Dollar Vacuum Cleaner (Gold Plated!)


All above images from Time. You should go and read the article here.


  • Christina

    A $90 t-shirt better be indestructible. Β 
    I could see myself buying one of these items (if I had the money) if atleast 90% of the proceeds went to charity. Β On Celebrity Apprentice, friends of the contestants come in and pay $1000 for a hamburger quite often.

  • The Asian Pear @ Blogspot

    *scratches head* If I had money, I wouldn’t buy a gold-plated vaccum. I would hire a maid though.

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