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Referral key: $50 when you use 32726976S1 to sign up for a savings, TFSA or RSP account

Live in Canada? Get $50 for free and earn 2.5% just by opening a free bank account with Tangerine

Referral key: $50 when you use 32726976S1 to sign up for a savings, TFSA or RSP account

Referral key: $50 when you use 32726976S1 to sign up for a savings, TFSA or RSP account

Use my referral key:



You will get $50 for opening the account if you fund it with at least $100 CAD (and I get $50 too).

You can open a Savings Account, TFSA Account or RRSP Account.

I’d recommend the Savings one.

It’s really that simple… and there are no fees to keep the account open nor minimum balances.

Not only that, you will earn 2.5% on your savings until March 31st 2015.

They always have great promotions like this, and 2.5% is nothing to sneeze at.



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